Got muffin a new collar. See the bell? well that bell has gone bye bye! Last night she once again decided to sleep on top of my head and jingle the bell right in my ear. VERY annoying. I was very slow to wake up this morning, and in so had both muffin and jack looking for some attention. It was really sweet... but do you know how hard it is to change the channel when there is a kitty sleeping on your remote, and another sleeping on you? So instead I watched what ever silly program was on.
Eli is quite active and on paper quite healthy. Im concerned though. Im probably being paranoid. His eye is still watering. The build up gets so bad that when cleaning it off I take quite a bit of fur with me, and he's starting to become "bald" around the corner of that eye. He also ends up with dirty patches in his nose. He still sneezes from time to time, so I can't help but wonder if he's still fighting off the URI. Ive said it before but it bears repeating, the vet just thinks his tear duct is scarred from being so sick previously, and she's not worried, but when we go back in a few weeks, I think I'll have another talk with her about it.