I decided I wanted to try my hand at making a few cat toys.. I bought a long thin piece of wood, some wooden beads, some rexlace (plastic lacing) and some craft feathers (also got some pom poms and some stretch beading plasticy stuff, along with some other nick nacks, but those don't fit in this story).
I wrapped the lacing around the dowel, used the beads as a handle, and attached some feathers to the end of the lacing.. Jack IMMEDIATELY laid claim to the thing, and let everyone know in no uncertain terms that it was HIS (Hiss spit hiss.. grab and run) He's leaping after it with absolutely no concern for his own safety, (as the back flip into the cupboards will attest) When I had to repair the feathers, he was almost distraught that I took it away..
I finally had to put it away, cause frankly I was laughing way too hard.. Can't wait till the hubby comes home so I can show him what I did today..