make note of the three going down the hole in the backyes.. 10 more kittens.. that makes ... ready for this.. 21 cats in my house.. :)
yes.. im tickled..
Yes.. Ive gone beyond crazy cat lady to freaky insane cat lady.. LOL. But the shelter loves me.. called me a life saver.. and they wont be here that long, as you can see they are quite big already. four of them are a bit older than the other six..
Its going to be one heck of a weekend!!
peanut is still 5.4 MP is now 10.0... so maybe the scale is off a bit? Hopefully. I'll go down and weigh them tomorrow on a stable surface. I don't like to go down too often and let mom out of the cage, cause that's time she's not nursing. She does a great job of cleaning up after the litte ones.. the covering never has anything on it but fur. Its awesome.