one of the kitties is extra small, Ive nicknamed him peanut. He has an amazing will to live.. can hold on to mom's teet like there is no tomorrow. I sat up and watched them for two hours last night, charlie hadn't nursed, So i mixed up some supplement and attempted to give it to them. Very hard since their noses and mouths are in a spot the size of your pinky fingernail. I eventually worked up a method where I dropped the supplement right above where they were latched on. Seemed to work. I got peanut to eat something, and everyone else nursed for a while, so I went to bed.
This morning peanut was unresponsive, and I thought I had lost him. But he moved ever so slightly. He was quite pink, and Im assuming he was over heating. I wiped him down with a damp cool cloth, and he started responding better. I got him to eat a bit more.. (man that kit knows how to latch on!!) and now Im going to run them down to the vets.
wish peanut luck!