So I brought Jack into work today, and because of the location of the lump they recommended that we remove and biopsy the lump. So they did..

Turns out it was just a cyst.. so there is nothing at all to worry about, except taking the stiches out..
there is even better news. While he was there I asked them to test him once again for Felv. As long time readers know, Jack is Felv +.. or at least he was.. he's NOT ANY MORE!! YAHOOIE!! *does silly happy dance* So for the fun of it, I had them retest his FIP titers. We wont have those results for a couple of days, but hey.. a girl can hope.
Im going to bring Emerald in tomorrow for a follow up on her bladder infection, to get an accurate blood sugar reading, and her vaccines. Now the question is, should I booster her Felv vaccine?