Well Tannie is coming around. She seems more interested in me when I go in there. Im so glad Im going to be there for her adoption.. she's so going to need that special home.. hopefully there will be someone there willing to deal with her hissing. What was really interesting is that last night both my husband and I had a dream where we kept hershey. How many times do I have to tell that kitten he can't stay?!?!
I went to the AWS annual meeting. It was very interesting. The interm shelter manager was announced to be the new shelter manager. Ive been very impressed with him.. he's only 27 years old, and he looks 16, but he's very articulate, and works well with in the system.
They also talked about how they are so dependant on donations.. 65% of their operating budget comes for donations from the community. and how high the vet bills were for last year. They were staggering when you realize that it was all done at cost.
Currently the shelter has 170 cats in its care (90 are in foster care) Staggering isn't it?