Well it has been a bit, now hasn't it?? my apologies. I was feeling like I was getting annoying talking about how cute the kittens were. :) Yea.. that's it.
The family came over and saw the kittens. They spent the time playing with Prince Charming, but in the end they decided they wanted Mia. Im trying to convince them they need to take both of them... I think its working. I sent them a really cute picture of the two of them.. hopefully that will work some extra magic. They have two girls, a four yr old, a six yr old, and a dog. The kitten needs a friend for some protection. The four yr old was actually better at handling the kittens than her sister. Mia, Princess Emmy and Ariel were a little frightened of them, but PC was having a ball to have someone to play with.
In general the kittens are eating well, and growing nicely. They have ear mites, and Im having the worst time getting rid of them. Ariel HATES having her ears cleaned.. its a total battle. Oh well.. pretty soon it won't be my fight any more. I wish the shelter would spring for Acarexx.. its a one time treatment for mites.. works well, but it is expensive.

It was "day of beauty" here for my own kitties. Ok.. talk to them and they'll call it day of torture. Especially Ollie. He HATES it. no.. that is an understatement.. but I digress. I clip claws, brush teeth, and comb fur. No one really likes it. Muffin thinks the combing is a big game and tries to eat the comb. Ollie.. I needed to break out the muzzle for him. He did really well till the combing. I actually hit the quick when cutting one of his back nails, and he didn't care... ok, so he cared, but it was just his usual growl. I got so much fur off him during the combing though, it wasn't funny. Was about the size of Mia and PC combined. His poor tail is a little ratty, but it needed to be done. I need to make sure I do this more often... that way it won't be so nasty next time.