Ok.. so Eli was fine. He MIGHT have a urinary issue, but I don't see any other signs, so Im not going to worry about that right now. Ollie however is a totally different story. He spent friday, and he didn't eat at all, but he did move his bowels, and the barium came out. This means he is not totally blocked. One vet is thinking irritable bowel or a food allergie. I don't like either of those. Another is thinking pancreatitis (I can't believe I spelt that right). This I don't mind so much, but again, I don't like the options (ESPECIALLY since Im supposed to be leaving town on the first) The third thought is that there is a reason his intestines aren't moving - because they aren't. The barium showed the intestines were smooth. When they move food down, they pinch up to push it through. The question would be is it mechanical (aka something he ate that is blocking the solid food) or neurilogical. I don't like the neurlogical options either. So sadly Im hoping he's eaten something he shouldn't have. The doctors are thinking they should do an exploritory tomorrow. He's home tonight to see if he will eat and move things through tonight - since he wont eat at the clinic. He has lost about half a pound during all of this, and has been on fluids for about 24 hours now.
I could deal with this SOOO much better if I just knew what was going on.