Ok.. I took his temp again tonight and it was 104. I think it was a smidge higher, but he pulled away. He still doesn't want to put weight on his front paws. I called the shelter yet again, and this time they told me I could bring him in. And guess what.. Zithro and fluids.. hum.. funny how that works out. The dr said he could do a bunch of other things, but knowing how the shelter is right now - financially strapped because of the rescue dogs from katrinia - we are going to wait and see what happens with the stronger antibiotic.
He's still not interested in eating, and he is still extremely uncomfortable, but he did show signs of wanting to play. Got to take my good signs where I can.
The black ones need to be weighed again. I swear they gained half a pound overnight!! Will probably go in for neutering next week if the dr's give them the ok.