we had an incident here the other day.. with seven cats running around its kinda hard not to... The hubby went to sit in his recliner with out knocking it a few times to see if anyone was in there... and there was.. He reclined and all of a sudden we hear the worst screaming. He's not sure if he should close his chair all the way or what, so he closes it half way, and after a few agonizing moments scooter comes flying out and runs under the coffee table. We are still both quite shaken, but I eventually get up and check her out.. only thing was, I couldn't find her. I looked back under the chair (which was now in the reclined position even though the hubby wasn't in it any more) and I see something that resembles a cat that isn't moving and is half laying over the bar.. I panic beyond words. I make the hubby take a closer look.. turns out melvin wanted to find out what all the comotion was about and was fine, just exploring.. but didn't I almost pass out.
Still couldn't find scoot, she had found her way downstairs. I went down and got her, cause the hubby couldn't get close, and I cuddled her and checked her out, she was fine.. but she was scared to death to come back upstairs. I got her upstairs.. and then she did NOT want to go into the livingroom, so I sat as far away from the recliner as possible in that room.. and after a few moments she was comfortable enough to jump down and just walk around...
Everyone is now on antibiotics twice a day.. and still melvin looks like he's just seen a really sad movie. Bugsy seemed to have some dust on his eye this morning... sigh. They better get well soon!
Scooter has had a black spot under her chin for a while. today I decided to do something about it. I thought it was just food, but after it got wet, her fur turned redish... so now Im thinking it was flea dander.. which makes no sence what so ever as we don't appear to have flea issues. Maybe she did a while ago but they are gone now. But still.. under her chin/mouth is still a very very strange place for flea dander.. but regardless.. its gone now. she did NOT like the water on her at all.. sigh. I wonder if I can get the shelter to give them all baths before I adopt them :)
Btw.. we are going for different names for melvin (we are thinking filmore) and bugsy (we are thinking fluffy lumpkins) Any name suggestions?
Well.. bugsy is going to have his mom's slightly pushed in face.. Scooter is WAY too freakin cute to be such a PITA and melvin.. well melvin is just a "PAT ME!" kinda cat. and izzy.. well as long as you sneek up on her loves to be patted.
Ive also come to the realization that Im going to have to start closing the bathroom door when I use the bathroom. I usually don't since its just me and the hubby, and for some reason the cats like to visit me when Im so occupied... but having five or six cats in my tiny bathroom is not a good idea.. growling always ensues
I am also in desprate need of a very large scratching post. a good piece of cat furniture if you will. If you'd like to contribute to getting one, I accept paypal! :) Please.. help me save my furniture :)
this really isn't a foster kitty story, but it is.. but not about fostering.. just fun.. enjoy
I have the weirdest shape bedroom.. almost looks like a skinny utah. There has only been one way to put the bed in that room, so for five years that's where it has been. The room NEVER worked well, but it functioned so that was that. However I was thinking the other day - a dangerous past time I know.. that if we flipped the bed around and put it basically in the middle of the room it would work.. so that is what we had planned for the day. Take all the furniture out of the room, vaccuum, flip the bed around (after dismantiling it) the put it back together, then put the furniture back. I tell you this cause as you know the kittens are all now running around the house, and yes.. they have pivotal parts in this story.
The first part was the hubbys department, of picking up all the little stuff, and dusting (im allergic to dust in the worst way). When most of it was up and out of the way I went in to help with the heavy lifting. We moved the two dressers out of the room, along with a stand up jewelery box, and an old microwave cart that I use as a night stand. The kittens did NOT make this easy, they kept getting under foot. But we were able to do it with realitive ease. We then kicked all the kitties out of the room to vaccum. We shut the closet doors, an vaccumed. When we were mostly done I went into the other room, and izzy, scooter and melvin were on the chair in the living room looking quite confused at the big nasty thing making the big nasty noise. I went back in the room, shut the door, and proceeded to move the matress. However at that point izzy and jack came out from under the bed. Was quite confusing how she got in there, but not totally. The bedroom door has a kitty door in it cause the bedroom is the only room we air condition in the summer, and we didn't want to suffer through cats crying at the door. So we shove them out the door, and propped the matress up against it so they couldn't come in. Well jack wasn't going to let that stop him. there was a bit of space, so he climbed in and hung out in there.. half way through reassembling the bed I heard him back there. i knew he was so I mentioned it. when we got the bed frame back together, and put the matress back on, I found jack.. the spot he was laying in was quite warm. :) So we started putting the room back together, and I heard a meow. I mentioned there was another cat in the room, the hubby didn't believe me, so I tracked down the meow, and found bugsy in the closet. Poor thing must have been terrified in there with the vacuum going. While moving things around, I found a head band that I bought that has a pair of cat ears on it. I put it on. I helped bring in the taller dresser and the tv. I layed down on the bed, and checked the tv placement, which was fine. Got up, brought in the other dresser. Laid back on the bed, and bugsy jumped up and cuddled with me. I eventually got up and moved the second dresser into place, then turned around and patted bugsy who now had his ears plastered to his head and his eyes were wide open. very gizmo from the gremlins. I talked to him and tried to calm him down, but he only started making himself bigger and flattened his ears even more. I figured he was frightened by the movement of the dresser, so I reached out to pat him to calm him.. but it had the opposite affect... his ears practically disappeared into his head, he became this round furry ball with two HUGE eyes, and he actually hissed at me. at which point the hubby reminded me I had my cat ears on, so I took them off, and went to pat him again, and he immediately calmed quite a bit. Jack reacted pretty much the same way to them. VERY funny. at this point the room was mostly put together, and everyone was in there wrestling, and playing with the quilt, and enjoying the entertainment of the ceiling fan. For some reason ceiling fans are VERY entertaining.
the kittens didn't stop running around yesterday till after midnight. at which point they all climbed up into the chair I was sitting in and proceeded to go to sleep.. it was SOO sweet, but at that point I was getting tired and wanted to go to bed.. but I didn't want to disturb them.. they were running around this morning, and just settled down again.. its funny how they all seem to want to take naps at the same time.
it looks like Im keeping three of them.. *hangs head* *sees kitty sleeping in lap* awwwwww..
Took me three hours to get there and back in the ice... but *wipes brow* thankfully they are negitive.. I had all these plans to let them out slowly, and intergrate them into the house slowly, but I got home and just let them out. I still need to feed and medicate them.. scooter had a snotty nose at the shelter *rolls eyes* Melvin however has found the catnip mat.. and is quite happy there. Bugsy is getting the once over from jack.. izzy has just kicked melvin off the mat, he's now sniffing the fridge :)
*very very happy girl* *wonders where mom is* *goes off to find out*
I was cleaning up the litter box, an activity that prompts much attention. Izzy and Melvin were watching me. When I was done, they still looked quite facinated. I asked them if they needed to go before I left the room.... at which bugsy who was across the room started crying, then ran right over to me and stood up on my back and started swatting at my face in a loving manner.
can we say awwwwww...
I knew we could.
Tomorrow.. *crosses fingers, toes, eyes, and other various body parts, some of which aren't even mine that they test negitive*