Everything you wanted to know about Cesg but were afraid to ask!

I was born in June of 1971. It was a local hospital right around the corner from where we lived. I have red hair and blue eyes. I am now five feet seven inches tall, and I have been since the fourth grade.

My mom is from England and my dad is from the town were I was born (the twin city to where I grew up and live in now.) They met while he was stationed in England. He sent her here and when he got home, they started a family. My one and only sister was born two years and 364 days before me. (I couldn't wait any longer to have the same birthday.) I have been to England one and a half times to visit my grandparents.(The half was right before I was born.. April/May I think) My mom has four brothers. I do not know them well and feel very uncomfortable talking with them cause they talk to me like I am part of their everyday lives, when I feel like a total stranger. I was in the sixth grade when we went to visit. I just found out that my mom was a twin when she was born, apparently the twin did not survive.

My dad is one of five. He has a set of twins in his family too. My aunts Elsa and Ella. Unfortunaly I do not know my Aunt Ella and another late aunt. There was an altercation regarding these aunts and the rest of my father's famliy right after the death of my paternal grandparents, when I was very young. As a result of this split in my family, I have cousins in the area that I do not know. I know they exist, but who they are and what they are doing, I have no clue. My father's only brother had three daughters and a son. One of those daughters looks so much like me we could be twins; except she is a couple of years older than I.

I was a bit of a tom-boy growing up. I prefered boy type games to jumping rope or giggling. One year, my hormones kicked in big time and I grew many inches and gained many pounds. My mom got concerned. She took me to the doctor and they decided to put me on a diet. I was in the fourth grade I think. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not EVER do this to your child!!! Children should NOT be put on diets! Food then became an obsesion that has not subsided. My metabolism is so screwed I don't think I will ever get back to the weight I want with out a lot of constant and consistant work, something I am currently not doing. I remember trying to sneek food because my mother would tell me that I could not possibly be hungry... little did she know. Once I was old enough to eat when I wanted, I went a little over board. I am currently heavier than I want to be, and heavier than I think I should be, those weights differ by about 20 pounds, but I am still more than both.

In school, I would get good grades with little effort. I rarely studied. I almost never took notes. I would usally get A's and B's. I was constantly hearing that if I just applied my self... well I thought I was doing just fine the was I was going. I had no idea what applying my self had to do with anything. In the eight grade, I realized that I am spelling impared. The teachers put me in a remedial spelling class. Ok it was a class with one other person from the "smart class" that we were in. Neither one of us could spell and they thought this would help. { I am a phonetic spell. If I can sound it out I can spell it. Cauffie, kawphy, cawfy. =)} It didn't. I also found out that I am slightly dyslexic. In typing class I would quite often typing a "s" when I wanted a "k". In Accounting, the thing I wanted to be when I grew up till I found this out about my self, I realized I transpose numbers at will. I quite often find my self writing 225 when it should be 255. So much for Accounting... now I just need a new direction.

I took a number of tests in school to determine what I would be good at. It turns out I am equal in both my left and right brains. I am equally good in math and the arts. I can't draw anything better than a stick figure, but I am very creative. I went to college for business management, but I really didn't like it. When I had the chance to drop out to get married I took it I regret it now, cause when I fill out resumes it looks like I am a quiter, but I hated wasting money studying something that didn't intrest me. I was going to go back this fall, but my father ended up in the hospital this summer and I was afraid to pay money and make that kind of commitment when my life was up in the air. Now I am in the process of finding a new job so once everything settles I will probably go back and finish my degree, just so I don't leave things undone. Hopefully this fall.

~update.. I have a new job. I am looking forward to going to school this fall.. but Life such as it is.. I am not making any promises!!

I am a cat person. I am sure you know that by now. I love to swim, and camp. I ADORE going to the movies and the theatre. To learn more about what makes me... well me, you should go to ME

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