Eli started life out as Melvin. He was named after my hubby's father. Melvin wasn't a stand out kitty originally. After fostering about 100 kitties, there are a few that really stand out in my mind, and I thought he was just going to be another one in the crowd. One of the reasons being was that almost immediately after coming home he got a very bad case of URI and he had a very bad case of ear mites. Every time I touched him I was either medicating him, cleaning his ears, or picking snot off his nose (cause if I didn't it would clog up his nose completely). On Thanksgiving evening I found him in the corner of the kitten room huddled all pathetically and he looked extremely sick. I rushed him to the vet the next morning, and he ended up staying there till the next Monday because of a very high temperature, and because he was majorly dehydrated. We put him on his third antibiotic, and he started to get better. I was terrified I was going to loose him anyway, so I spent a lot of time cuddling him. He eventually got past the annoyance of my picking at him, and quite enjoyed being patted.
I had the WORST time coming up with a name for Melvin. I felt uncomfortable keeping the name of my father's husband since he passed away a few years ago. We tried a ton of other names, but nothing fit. When I went to the vet for his first check up after adopting him, they asked me his name and I couldn't give them one. A few days later I was driving down Rte 1, and went past El's clam shack, and for some reason my brain read it as Eli. and boom.. Eli it was.
Eli was a source of contention for Ollie. I think Ollie thought that since Eli's black and white too that we don't need him any more. We also have to deal with a blocked tear duct. His left eye never healed from his ordeal, so he constantly has stuff on his face under his eye, and dirt collects in his nose, so he's our dirty little kitty. His fur is very very soft and sleek though. He is incredibly cat nip sensitive as well. Absolutely loves the cat nip pad my father got me for Christmas. While he is not one to get into the fray (as in when we pull out the treats and your being mauled by kitties, Eli is usually a little further back just sitting it out and waiting) he does like to be near you, and to be patted. He often crawls into the space left over in my chair when I cuddle up into it. and just recently he has decided he likes having his tummy patted.

Update: Eli developed another nasty round of URI and now both of his tear ducts are blocked. I am seriously considering having his tear ducts flushed, but I need to talk to the surgeon that the doctors recommend. He's currently out on leave. So far no one thinks it will help much, but if it helps a little I'll be glad... his tears spill all over his face and dry there and he looks horrible. Its also collecting on his nose. He always looks dirty. Eli has one other odd feature. His meow is broken. When ever he opens his mouth to talk to you, he sounds like a broken squeak toy. I quite often call him my squeaky boy when he's squeaking at me. Recently we built a room for the kitties, so they can get outside and put their paws in the grass. Eli LOVES it. if ever you don't know where he is, he's out there. Muffin likes it too, but so far no one else is using it. Hopefully in time they will.
Update: 2/14/04 - Last year I brought Eli into the vets to have his tear ducts flushed, to try to help him out, but unfortunately it did not help. BUT, there is a vet there who does acupuncture and is a herboligist. She recommended laser treatments for Eli. Twice a week for about 8 weeks I brought him in and she 'zapped' him. I am absolutely amazed by the results. Before his eyes watered so much that the whole front of is face under his eyes was always stained and starting to become inflamed and his nose was in danger of being blocked. Now a good portion of the time his face is clear, and when its not, it is very easily managed. Yea! for Eli.