We got Emerald back in 1991. It was a few months after we were married, and while we had one kitty, he wasn't a people kitty, so we started telling people that we wanted another. A sister of a friend of a family member had a few kittens to give away. She picked one for us, and sent it through the chain of people till it got to my sister in law's house. We first met Em there. We were told that Em was a girl kitty. We were playing with her on the kitchen table, and she started looking for a way to the ground. I assumed she had to go pee, so we took her outside, and she immediately went pee. She was such a good kitty. By the time we went to get her spayed, we realized we needed to get her neutered instead. Unfortunately those first few months are when your patterns are set, so we continually call her a girl. I don't think Emmy minds all that much although she's always been confused, and walks around with her tail in a permanent question mark form.
When we lost our original cat Tigger in 97, Em became our only cat. We were so sure we couldn't have another till she passed away due to her inability to get along with any other cats. We introduced Ollie in 2000, and she took right to him. Or at least tolerated him.
A few years ago she was diagnosed with diabetes. We do our best to manage it, and to attempt weight loss. Unfortunately with so many kitties, its hard. Btw, when you feed her a treat, be careful. She gets so excited by them, she forgets her manners, and just lunges at treats, and ends up biting the fingers that feed her.
